How do you save money on your auto insurance quote? That is the #1 question that people ask when it comes to buying insurance for their automobiles. Car insurance companies use proprietary formulas to determine auto insurance quotes, but the overriding variable in determining the rates is you - the person being insured.
If you want to get the lowest auto insurance quote available, here are some cost saving steps that will definitely help you.
1. Don't drive as much
Many automobile insurance companies will give you a discount if you drive less than 7,500 miles annually. Now 7,500 miles may not sound like a lot, and it may not be if you live in more rural areas. But if you live in a city, taking advantage of public transportation or carpooling with others is the key to reducing your automobile insurance quote.
2. Raise your deductible
Your deductible is what you must pay out of your own pocket before the insurance company will cover any expenses. Naturally, the higher the deductible (which means you have to pay more before the insurance company will), the lower your automobile insurance rates. By having a high deductible, you are risking a much larger payout should you have an accident, but you will also have lower monthly payments.
3. Take care of your credit
Just like so many other companies, car insurance companies are very interested in your credit. They believe that your credit rating is a good representation of how financially responsible you are. Clearly you should keep a good credit rating for more reasons than just getting great automobile insurance rates, but if you don't take care of your credit, the insurance company is going to charge you more each month. That's right - look our for higher auto insurance quotes because here they come.
Wait! These are 3 ways to find the lowest auto insurance quote available, but there are 4 more steps that will save you tons of money!
Click here now to learn about the 4 other steps to getting the best auto insurance quote today!
Article Source:
Friday, January 1, 2010
Auto Insurance Quote Basics By Christopher M. Hall Platinum Quality Author
Posted by are peace at 1/01/2010 02:26:00 PM
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